Tuesday, August 05, 2008

I can quit any time, time, time...

I have decided that I have a habit I need to break. Now some of you who know me well, know that I have tried to break this habit before. You might have heard these words uttered which originated from a 1990’s “after school special” commercial…”I can quit any time time time time…” It is called…Dr. Pepper.
I am totally hooked. I don’t drink coffee (save the occasional winter Starbucks sweet treat), I don’t really drink alcohol (save the margarita with fajitas, glass of wine at supper club, etc.)…but I’ve got it bad for DP. Not in a can, from the fountain…All cold and tingly. You know it’s a really good proportioned one when your nose burns and your eyes water drinking it! Yum. Ok. So I have gotten to where I drink more than I should (a specific number will not be mentioned in this blog), and I need to get it under control for these reasons and more:
1) the money I spend to buy them
2) the amount of pure melted sugar I am consuming
3) the amount of caffeine I am also consuming
4) the way it has me addicted
5) because it does not help with my lack of energy problem
6) because I do not drink enough water
7) because I want to lose weight and drinking 5 million calories a day isn’t helping :)

Now, I’ve gone cold turkey before and other than a headache for about a solid week, I can do it. But, this time, I think I am going to wean myself off of them…So, as of today, I am going to 2 a week. Then in 2 weeks, down to 1 a week, etc.
So, if any of you see me, ask me how it’s going. I’m sure I will need a support group. My name is Kate, and I’m a Dr Pepper-a-holic.


Ellen said...

My dad used to guzzle the stuff every day. Somehow he got off of DP (save for the occasional glass at resturants)and now pours those little Crystal Light iced tea packets in his water bottle. I'm not big on carbonated beverages at all (I'm an iced tea gal) but on hot summer days, a bottle of DUBLIN Dr. Pepper hits the spot. (They're made with Imperial sugar -- the best!)

Perez Family said...

My name is Rosey and I am addicted to DP too. I have been known to leave the house and drag the kids inside a gas station for a large fountain DP, how embarrassing is that? I'm down to one a day which is better than I used to be. How about I encourage you and hopefully I'll be inspired in the mean time. :)

Misty said...

good job Kate! you can do it! here's something that helped me quit (all) soft drinks: WHY am i drinking black stuff when my body is mostly water? it makes me saw "ewwww" :O) i must say that my doc (drink of choice) next to water is sweet tea (the giant, .99 cent one!) or coffee. i don't get tea every day, here lately i have craved them and get maybe 2 a week. coffee on the other hand i can make at home, i've been having like 1-2 cups/day. so i guess that would be my 2 cents worth...
good luck with giving it up! oh and can i just say, sweet Ellen...what is it about the dublin dps? i have never liked those and i don't see what's the "big deal"! i accidentally got one at a convenience store one time, took one sip and had to throw it away. i was like "what's WRONG with this DP???" hahah

0 said...

Ummm ok...I am not only a Dr.Pepperaholic...I am also a MONSTERAHOLIC!! I drink one in the morning and then one dr pepper at lunch a sensible dinner with yet again dr pepper.....I'm sending you help telepathically lol! I know how hard it is to quit...and I'm so sorry for you ...but happy for you at the end...and ditto on the dublin thing....It tastes like paper sugar or something...not a fan..I like good ol faithful regular Dr. Pepper...Love ya Kate!


jenn said...

i miss you and i love you....addictions and all!!