Monday, January 12, 2009

Jack's back...and so are we!

With the return of our beloved Jack Bauer last night, Skip and I felt it was time to return to the land of the “blogging” living. The new year has brought many new exciting things…cold weather, a new slew of resolutions, vacation time kicking in at work, 24 and Lost….
But to backtrack a little, our holiday times were wonderful although fast. We spent Christmas Eve with Skip’s family and Christmas Day with mine. Reese cleaned up this year as you will see from pics coming soon (as soon as I replace the batteries in the camera). Then we slid into the new year with a bang, with a New Year’s Eve consisting of pizza, pajamas, and my favorite couch.

As of tomorrow, I will be 23 weeks along, pregnancy wise…We had a second sonogram last Thursday and everything checked out well. The first one showed some inflammation in the baby’s kidney’s but this time it all looked fine, which was an answer to prayer. I am feeling stretchier and bigger this time around so I am a little scared about 15 more weeks from now, but one day at a time. I am getting very excited!!!
Well, pics to come. I'll get them up tonight. Hope everyone had a great start to 2009!

Question of the day to ponder (brought up by my weekend activity of doing dishes and laundry): What the heck happens to 1) tops to Tupperware?? and 2) socks. I swear there is a hole in the dryer that sucks out the matches to socks.


Misty said...

haha! i missed your blogs i'm happy to see you back with updates! can't wait for pics too! also glad to hear everything looks good with t-2, i didn't know there was any concerns to begin with :O) i love you friend!!! i miss you soooooo much, we should have another date...first to billy miners then a movie perhaps? lol

Whitney said...

I'm so glad to see an update on you and the baby too! I pray it's going well. Can't wait for pictures of that cute little girl!

Ellen said...

We're counting down the days until the Lost premier! :)
I can't wait for pictures of the baby! (And Reese, too!)

Ellen said...

Oh, and we have most of our Tupperware lids... it's the boxes we tend to lose. :)

Heather said...

I learned a fun trick from Kristin V to keep track of socks .. wash kids socks (like al of them together) in a lingerie bag so they stay together from the washer to the dryer. I guess the trick is getting them to the dirty clothes hamper, for me any way:o)

Wow! 24 was rockin' awesome!

Unknown said...

Hey guys, just wanted to say hello and that I enjoy reading your blog! We are so stoked that Jack is back, too - though we haven't yet been able to catch up on the new episodes!