"My soul waits for the Lord; He is my help and my shield. For my heart is GLAD in Him!..."
Psalm 33:20-21a
I think one of the neatest things a person can hear is their child praying. Prayer has been something I have been studying, hearing about in church, convicted about the past month or so. So many times, almost all the time, I struggle to solve things myself, fix things myself, I struggle with controlling every aspect of things happening in my life, good or bad, I struggle with remembering daily that this place is not my home, I struggle with self-pity and contentment, I struggle with feeling isolated and alone sometimes. I have been reminded many times as of late that I am in no way in control, that no matter what happens in my life my God is a GOOD God, a God that forgives, a God that is faithful. The past few months have really highlighted my “life verse”, James 1:2-4, for me and just recently has the Lord been gracious enough to allow a light to click on in my head. Pray. Pray without ceasing. I think prayer is such a general term and something we throw around so easily without understanding it. I have for the first time in a long time, truly been on my knees faithfully praying, trying to turn my focus from “me, poor me” to “God. What an amazing God. What an amazing creation, what infinite power, goodness, justice, and holiness!” It has been amazing and emotional and has shown me my Savior in a deep way. And back to the beginning comment…Reese has also been included in this with me and we have been praying together, not just at bedtime, but in the mornings before school, in the car, everywhere and she has responded in this truly amazing way. Her attitude has been different, the way she is relating to us…Hearing her sweet little voice saying “I love you Jesus” is very humbling. So, as I sit here crying, in renewed knowledge of my sin and my need for my Savior…I am thankful that He would save a wretch like me and continues to work in me…
“Count it ALL JOY my brothers, when you face trials of many kinds. For the testing of your faith develops perseverance. And let endurance have its perfect work, that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything…”
James 1:2-4