Sunday, October 21, 2007

How to manipulate Daddy...

Step 1: Calmly explain to Daddy that you would like things to go in a slightly different direction.

Step 2: After breaking Daddy's will, proceed to do what you want to do.

Step 3: Bask in the thrill of victory over your clearly inferior opponent.
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Misty said...

great pictures!! look how long Reesies hair is! :O) i miss you, we need to schedule our movie day soon!!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh...she is learning the ways of a princess so young! Cutie!

Anonymous said...

Ok, this is one of my favorite blogs ever!! Love it!!

jen said...


Stephanie Rohloff said...

This is absolutely hilarious!

Stephanie Rohloff said...

I can't get over how great those pictures are!

Clark and Jen are family friends of ours too... My sister and Jen great friends and Clark and my brother-in-law are best friends too...It is so crazy that you know them, Do you know about their little cutie Soren...I think he and Reese are pretty close in age, though I think he is a bit older...
They are in Austin now...I think...?
You asked me something else, but i have forgotten what it was...Hummm, well you can email me anytime...
We are having a huge get together this weekend at out place to celebrate our birthdays and us becoming are totally invited! We would love to see me and I will send you the details...
Okay, so, now this is the longest comment ever!

LlamaJ said...

So cute! We have so much to look forward to, I see. :)

emily said...

Victory is sweet!

Coryslave said...

Kate, you are SO CREATIVE! This was awesome.

Sorry to see that Reese was born with a sin nature. At least she's cute and smart.

Maybe too smart ...