As you know, Skip and I should I say it...not pet people. (There are a select few we like however:) Well, our neighbor loves scottie dogs. In fact, they have a statue of one in their front yard. The one they had, Tiger, died and they got a new scottie puppy, Caesar. OK. For the past few months Caesar comes out with his annoying as heck bark and goes crazy right by Reese's window every day at her naptime! Wakes her up. For you moms you know how precious naptime is!!!! Gold! I have cried, yelled, cussed, thought of how I could sneak out after dark with a ski mask on and some sort of weapon....... Hum, or I really just wanna drop kick him off a bridge. Now that you all think I'm a complete psycho :), let me assure you all your pets are safe...Or, are they???
Afterthought of the day:
Has anyone ever wondered what the people that work at the DPS, Social Security Office, and City Court have in common?? They all are the thorn in my side. You are legally required to use their services yet, they are SOOOOOOO slow and for the most part, frustrating and only semi-helpful. And whats the deal with going to one place, waiting in line, only to find out you are at the wrong place and need to be at a different place waiting in line!!??!! Or, the ever popular, they close at 4pm, and seriously, if you show up at 4pm exactly, they will lock you out and have a security guard with a gun standing there just in case you didnt get the picture. Anyway, just a thought :)
Please don't kill Tobey in the middle of the night on the streets of Burleson...I am going to watch for a little blue toyota driving around :) No but seriously...people have wanted to murder him for his bark so I know what you're saying about that :)
please include the tax office in your list of annoying places to sit and wait. i sat and waited there for over an hour only to be told that i didn't have the correct signatures. i thought for sure that the little woman would show me some grace since i was a huge pregnant lady about to pop, but nooooo ... she sent me packin'.
ha!!! love the anchorman reference!
"oh yah? well now this is happenin."
I feel your pain with naptime. My neighbor constantly mows their yard within minutes of me getting both kids down for naps!! I get so mad but don't have the nerve to say anything!
I am a dog owner and I completely know how important it is that my dog not bark at my neighbors and through the night and at nap times...We trained him to not do it, gee imagine that, training. But our neighbors, and I love them, have a dog and it doesn't just cries, alot. If it ever wakes a napping child I will not hesitate let them know in the kindest way I know how...have you told them how annoying it is...maybe you should buy the dog some chewies or a toy to cushion the complaint...just a thought. Good Luck Mama!
I seriously thought I was going to go to jail when I was preggers with Wicky! Our neighbors would let their Scotty dog (so I totally feel your pain as the bark is forever etched in my memory) out at night-- one night Moody thought I lost my mind...I went out in my too small (8 months preg) nightgown and was literally trying to knock the fence down with a broom---all the while screaming obscenities at the dog. Not my finest moment, I assure you! They can make you careful.
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