Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Day by Day

I was reminded yesterday by a dear friend (who lives this out for me daily, by the way) to look at each day as a new day. Heard it before, I thought. But the more I really thought about it, I thought “wow!.” How easy to hear, but how hard to live out. As I’ve been struggling through some things recently, some bigger, some smaller, some not really anything at all except in my mind :) …this really hit me. I tend sometimes to carry things along with me day to day and let them get very heavy, when I need just to let them go. Each day is a new day. Every moment is a moment I can’t get back. Christ intends, I think, for us not to have necessarily a perfect life or easy life, but a joyful life! Joy in Christ, joy in my daughter, joy in my husband, joy in my family, joy in my friends, joy in work that God has provided me, on and on…..
Yesterday I was for sure having a little freakout about some things, getting bogged down in the mundane, in some self-pity, in the affects of things I have no control over and can’t change. But wow…today is new day, a different day, and I can be joyful today! I know this sounds a little trite and maybe kindof goofy, but how cool would it be live with this attitude, instead of: stress, worry, etc.?? So I am going to continue to struggle with myself daily. I know that joy is what Christ desires for me, and I want to strive, though I know I will never completely get there, every day to be more like the person I can be in Him.


Matt, Andrea, Luke and Halle said...

very well said, friend! love you.

Misty said...

it's true! we can't do anything about yesterday, last week, or last year. we can't do anything for tomorrow or anytime ahead of us. in fact, "do not boast about tomorrow"'s in the bible (lol) because we don't even have the for-sure-ed-ness of even THIS AFTERNOON! i realized this a while back, and every morning as i pray i make sure to thank God just for the fact that i woke up! i try not to worry (it doesn't help with a darn thing!). it doesn't fix anything, does no good whatsoever. so i applaud you Kate, and i will try and encourage you in your endeavors to live a more stress free/worry free life. everyday! XOXOXOXOXOX happy valentines day!

Avery said...

i tagged you!

Coryslave said...

Great post, Kate. You're absoultely right. Thanks for reminding me that I've been carrying some burdens from day to day too. I don't know why I do it b/c, as you've said, they only get heavier. I'm a slow learner.