Saturday, January 16, 2010

a soul, refreshed.

i love the word refresh--"to provide new vigor and energy through rest, food, etc., to stimulate, to make fresh again, reinvigorate or cheer." there are many things that are refreshing to my soul : church, curling up on the couch with my favorite blanket, thinking of childhood memories, a fire in the fireplace, a good Alias marathon, rain, a date night with Skip, time in the Word, a good photograph, a Sunday afternoon nap, breakfast with my daddy, a hug from my mom, Reese singing in her sweet little voice, hearing Beau laugh, writing a letter, getting a letter in the mail, the smell of Gain laundry detergent, a new pair of jeans, helping someone in need, a friend calling just because, reconnecting, a girls night, a clean house, some good mexican food, sitting at Starbucks by myself, being alone in the mountains, a beautiful sky, laughing a for real laugh, winning a game night, ..I could go on and on. But for sure one of my top 3 soul refreshers is time with a dear friend. And I mean genuine, honest, happy, sad, nitty gritty, TIME. Time looking each other in the eye, talking about life, talking about the Lord, being transparent with each other, admitting hard things, encouraging each other, sometimes crying, alot of times laughing, spurring each other to grow, refreshing each other's souls...This past year I had a lot of lonely moments missing those kinds of moments. there are a myriad or reasons why we often let too much time go between these meetings...working full time, kids, laziness, selfishness, pride, etc, and relationship with Christ also has a direct effect on this as well. but i continue to fight against those things. (please don't send me hate mail for this...but i think facebook can be one too if we're not careful...very good "virtual" relationship creator...why do people need to know where each other are all the time and what we are doing? Its kindof silly. Im actually not a big fan of what it creates among people. Not saying its totally evil or anything. moderation. but I am thankful that we do not have internet on our phones!) Ok, now that we are past that soapbox :) Anyway, lately, now that I am working part time, spending more time with my kiddos, praying that the Lord would renew my heart and mind, resting in Him...He has faithfully given moments like this. Times like this. Conversations like this. these types of relationships are rare and few, they take pruning, cultivating, love and effort. thank you to the people out there that refresh my soul...through your words, through your silence, through your ministry, through breakfasts, lunches, dinners and coffees, through your gifts, through your help, through your advice, through having fun together, through your laughter, through your hugs, through forgiveness, through your notes and cards, through how you challenge me, through your Christ-likenss, through living life alongside me. i love you. my soul stands refreshed.


Misty said...

and.....maybe i could have spent some face time with you this afternoon had the dog not got poop on my clothes. :*(

The Tomchecks said...

that's so sweet...i like that blog:)

jen said...
